Tuesday 21 August 2012

Pre-Teens Trying to Grow Up

So yesterday, my SO had the day off , so we took the girls (ages 8 and 11) school clothes shopping. Gawd I hate shopping for school clothes, come to think of it, I hate shopping period. When I was a kid I loved being able to go to Woolco for back to school clothes, and when we were done shopping, we got ice cream from the counter in Woolco. My favorite was always Tiger Tiger because it was a flavor we never got at home. Now I cant stand going to Walmart, Justice, Gap, Old Navy etc especially when there are a gazillion other mothers , fathers and kids there doing the same thing.

But I digress.......clothes shopping in 2012 hasnt changed much really, except prices! I spent $400 yesterday to outfit 2 girls for school. And they only got 4 outfits each! And they are growing up. Instead of buying cutesy little 2 piece outfits I now have to buy separates. Jeans , tops, bras (ugh really ......its not time yet, is it?) make up (omg she is really wanting to wear makeup going into grade 7??) socks, you know , the usual fare for pre teens. And my 8 yr old.....her and hats and shoes......she is a diva! Since she was little she has had a fascination for shoes......now that is extending to hats. Never mind that she cant wear the hats in the classroom....she still has to look perfect, in her eyes. So we come home with bags, and bags, and bags. After 4 hrs of shopping we got 6 prs of jeans, 1 pr of leggings, 1 skirt, 8 tops, 16 prs of socks, 16 prs of new underwear, a hat, 3 prs of shoes (that they will outgrow by Christmas) a hat, 2 bras, 1 eyeliner, 1 mascara, (I drew the line at lipstick and foundation) and 2 fashion scarves. The scarves are not for winter, they are an accessory. Only to make them look good when they are wearing of all things, a T-shirt! No winter coats, boots or mittens, yet..........that will come later , when the cold weather starts coming in.

So now we have to go through their clothes, that are acceptable to wear to school and thin their wardrobes out. For every outfit they got new, we will give one outfit away. Along with that, any clothes that are too small, worn out, etc will be put into two piles. The worn clothing will be made into rags, the too small clothing will be donated to Value Village.

And next year at this time.......we will shop at Value Village so I can save some money......oh who am I kidding..........we will still go to all their favorite stores and buy brand new clothes.........for my little fashionista's ........they have to look grand!

Thursday 16 August 2012

Adult Children

So on Monday, August 13th, my oldest child turned 30. I have taken a few days to digest this and I have figured out that I am NOT old enough to have a daughter who is 30. Only yesterday  I was 30! Thirty years ago....where has the time gone. I picture Crystal the day I brought her home. A tiny baby, only 6 lbs 6 oz. Now she is grown and the mother to a beautiful 10 yr old boy. Oh being a grandmother never really bothered me, but my daughter is now only 8 yrs younger than I was when I became a grandmother. How is it that my daughter is now grown? Where is the baby that I watched excitedly take her first steps, I rocked her gently when she cut her first teeth, and where is that sweet child I walked to kindergarten that very first day, so long ago??

 I am very proud of my daughter. She has grown into an independent successful young woman. A woman who is getting married tomorrow and unfortunately I cannot attend this trip into adulthood. Time, distance and finances exclude a 2000 mile trip for me at this time. My first born child is now a full fledged adult, and I simply cannot wrap my brain around it. Is that because I still have an 8 yr old and an 11 yr old at home? The empty nest feeling never penetrated until this week. Not until I started remembering Crystal as my baby girl. Not until I remembered how little trouble she gave me (although I told her differently growing up). My dark haired , dark eyed beauty has matured into the woman I had always hoped she would, and no I don't take credit for that. Crystal did this on her own. She has her own set of morals and values that she has developed along the way to adulthood. Her trials and errors are hers. She has made her way in this world by sheer hard work.

Crystal, you will always be my baby girl, my first born child. No one , not your brothers, nor your sisters will ever take that away. You have made me proud. You and I have gone on this most amazing, hard, enduring journey together, and we have come out the other side. I am so proud of you! I have always been proud of you and  I will always be proud of you. I am a Mommy.......to an adult. That is something I still have to digest.